Enabling sustainable growth
for the innovation ecosystem.

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Innovation in the Era of AI and IOT

In the 1950s - 1990s the Corporate labs were the main source of innovations. Since 1995 the Internet, the Exponential growth of Computing Power, Digitization, Bandwidth and lower Transaction costs as well as exponential decline in Storage costs enabled decentralization of innovation with the following impacts:

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The 4th Internet Phase: AI, IOT, Blockchain

The technology world has experienced tremendous growth the last 70 years with various technological revolutions like: Semiconductors, PC, Internet, Mobile, Search, Cloud, 3D Printing, Biotechnology to name a few. In most cases the fundamental research has been funded from governments. After the research stage, companies used the research outcomes and developed products to test the market.

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Are You Stuck In The 20th Century?

The past success of any established company is a key obstacle for change. Although established companies have more resources for innovation/new businesses than the start-ups, they fail to eliminate other obstacles like: mindset, organizational set-up and culture.

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